Thursday, June 17, 2010

Dick Cheney and Erie

My third week is coming to an end and I think I'm finally beginning to catch up with the newspaper pace. Yesterday Former Vice President Dick Cheney came to Erie. While many people came to listen to him speak at the local convention center, I got to spend time with the 30 or so people outside of the convention center. They were primarily younger and liked to talk about Cheney being a big oil supporter and a war criminal. There were bongo playing protesters who didn't feel the need to shave and young adults with multiple piercings and sprinkled in between to outspoken protesters were the calm one's who preferred to show their feelings through costume. One woman dressed in the orange jump suit of a prisoner and a another dress like the prisoners from Abu Ghraib. Quite a collection.

Later tonight I'm going to be photographing a hot air balloon event, which should be really visually interesting. Here's hoping I don't get lost on my way to Meadville.

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